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Author lucas_malor
Date 2007-03-16.16:00:20
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
urllib2 objects opened with urlopen() does not have the method seek() as file objects. So reading only some bytes from opened urls is pratically forbidden.

An example: I tried to open an url and check if it's a gzip file. If IOError is raised I read the file (to do this I applied the #1675951 patch: )

But after I tried to open the file as gzip, if it's not a gzip file the current position in the urllib object is on the second byte. So read() returns the data from the 3rd to the last byte. You can't check the header of the file before storing it on hd. Well, so what is urlopen() for? If I must store the file by url on hd and reload it, I can use urlretrieve() ...
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 14:52:31adminlinkissue1682241 messages
2007-08-23 14:52:31admincreate