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Author smarie
Recipients josh.r, mark.dickinson, r.david.murray, serhiy.storchaka, smarie
Date 2018-04-17.08:26:05
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I get your point.

Mine is just to have a common abstraction between python's primitive bool and numpy bool (and possibly other future alternate booleans) for consistency with `numbers` and to be used in common type hints (PEP484). 

If I get you correctly, then the minimal `Boolean` ABC would only need to contain the `__bool__` method, without the bitwise operations. That's perfectly fine, as long as it correctly describes the minimal boolean logic (truth value for `if`/..., and `and`/`or`/`not`) and is compliant both with python and numpy bool.

A separate ABC for bitwise operations is then indeed a good idea to open in a separate thread. Finding a good name will be tough here though... `BitwiseOperable` ? `BitsContainer` ? ...  :)

Date User Action Args
2018-04-17 08:26:05smariesetrecipients: + smarie, mark.dickinson, r.david.murray, serhiy.storchaka, josh.r
2018-04-17 08:26:05smariesetmessageid: <>
2018-04-17 08:26:05smarielinkissue32886 messages
2018-04-17 08:26:05smariecreate