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Author maggyero
Recipients maggyero
Date 2018-04-10.21:34:20
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
There seems to be an encoding bug in Python 3.6.5 on Windows with the [timezone constant]( `time.tzname`:

    >>> import time
    >>> time.tzname
    ('Paris, Madrid', 'Paris, Madrid (heure d\x92été)')

In the second string (the name of the local *DST* timezone), the escape sequence `\x92` is (since it is in a *character* string, not in a byte string) the Unicode code point [U+0092 PRIVATE USE 2 (PU2)](, instead of the Unicode code point [U+2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK]( as expected, which would have been displayed as `’` or `\u2019`, so `'Paris, Madrid (heure d’été)'`.

This `\x92` obviously comes from the 0x92 byte of the [CP-1252 encoding]( for the `’` character, but the byte has been badly handled in `time.tzname` somehow.

Indeed, quoting the [‘Lexical analysis’]( chapter from the *Language Reference*:

> In a bytes literal, hexadecimal and octal escapes denote the byte with
> the given value. In a string literal, these escapes denote a Unicode
> character with the given value.
Date User Action Args
2018-04-10 21:34:20maggyerosetrecipients: + maggyero
2018-04-10 21:34:20maggyerosetmessageid: <>
2018-04-10 21:34:20maggyerolinkissue33259 messages
2018-04-10 21:34:20maggyerocreate