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Author Ricyteach
Recipients Ricyteach, eric.smith
Date 2018-03-30.18:03:43
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I'm getting the following error at when attempting to create a new `dataclass` with any base class that is supplied a type variable:

    TypeError: type() doesn't support MRO entry resolution; use types.new_class()

In principle, it seems like this shouldn't cause any problems, since this works as expected:

    class MyClass(Generic[MyTypeVar]):

The problem seems to be the call to `type` in `make_dataclass` for instantiating the class object, since `type` doesn't support type variables. If I replace the `dataclass` line that produces the error with the following code block, it seems to work:

        cls = type(cls_name, bases, namespace)
    except TypeError:
        cls = types.new_class(cls_name, bases, namespace)

I haven't tested, but it might be possible to just remove the call to `type` altogether.

I've attached a file demonstrating the issue.
Date User Action Args
2018-03-30 18:03:43Ricyteachsetrecipients: + Ricyteach, eric.smith
2018-03-30 18:03:43Ricyteachsetmessageid: <>
2018-03-30 18:03:43Ricyteachlinkissue33188 messages
2018-03-30 18:03:43Ricyteachcreate