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Author ninjaaron
Recipients eric.smith, ninjaaron
Date 2018-03-01.14:54:50
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I'm always writting these wrapper classes where I want to selectively want to expose the interface of some of the methods of certain attributes to co the containing object. This can mean I spend a lot of time implementing wrapper methods. That's no good. I wrote a class decorator to make this easy, and I realized it's a perfect complement to the new dataclasses module, though it can also be used with normal classes. I figured I'd check if you're interested in that. The interface looks like this:

>>> from dataclasses import dataclass, acts_like
>>> @acts_like('weight', ['__add__'])
... @acts_like('still_fresh', ['__bool__'])
... @dataclass
... class Spam:
...     weight: int
...     still_fresh: bool
>>> s = Spam(42, False)
>>> s + 3
>>> if not s:
...     print('the spam is bad')
the spam is bad

It's a handy way to build objects with composition, but still get some of the benefits of inheritance in a *selective* and *explicite* way.

Here's the code:

May require some addtional twiddling to make it work with frozen dataclasses, but I don't think it should be a problem.
Date User Action Args
2018-03-01 14:54:50ninjaaronsetrecipients: + ninjaaron, eric.smith
2018-03-01 14:54:50ninjaaronsetmessageid: <>
2018-03-01 14:54:50ninjaaronlinkissue32977 messages
2018-03-01 14:54:50ninjaaroncreate