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Author cheryl.sabella
Recipients THRlWiTi, cheryl.sabella, dmoore, ezio.melotti, georg.brandl, giampaolo.rodola, martin.panter, ncoghlan, rbcollins, rhettinger, steven.daprano, tim.peters
Date 2018-01-30.19:43:08
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Hello everyone,

I was interested in similar functionality for timeit and found this discussion.  I know it's too late for 3.7, but I was wondering if it would be worth putting this on python-ideas or python-dev to try to get some consensus for a PEP or a patch?  With Barry's addition of breakpoint(), I would find something similar for timeit (that is, a simpler way to invoke it) would be quite helpful.

Date User Action Args
2018-01-30 19:43:08cheryl.sabellasetrecipients: + cheryl.sabella, tim.peters, georg.brandl, rhettinger, ncoghlan, giampaolo.rodola, rbcollins, ezio.melotti, steven.daprano, THRlWiTi, martin.panter, dmoore
2018-01-30 19:43:08cheryl.sabellasetmessageid: <>
2018-01-30 19:43:08cheryl.sabellalinkissue19495 messages
2018-01-30 19:43:08cheryl.sabellacreate