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Author Aaron.Meurer
Recipients Aaron.Meurer, cheryl.sabella, r.david.murray, rhettinger, serhiy.storchaka, vstinner
Date 2017-12-14.20:37:57
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Serhiy, isn't option 4?

4. Make KeysView.__repr__ show list(self). Add a custom wrapper for Shelf's KeysView so that it doesn't do this. 

This seems to be what Victor is suggesting. It makes the most sense to me for the common (i.e., default) case to be to show the keys (and just the keys), and for use cases that want otherwise to subclass and modify.
Date User Action Args
2017-12-14 20:37:57Aaron.Meurersetrecipients: + Aaron.Meurer, rhettinger, vstinner, r.david.murray, serhiy.storchaka, cheryl.sabella
2017-12-14 20:37:57Aaron.Meurersetmessageid: <>
2017-12-14 20:37:57Aaron.Meurerlinkissue32300 messages
2017-12-14 20:37:57Aaron.Meurercreate