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Author hashstat
Date 2006-12-01.21:57:48
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Marked as misclassified
Apparently my description wasn't as clear as I thought.  I don't care about the clock times in the example.  They were only used to illustrate the point.  What I do care about is that if a use c.wait(3600) ("wait 60 minutes"), then my thread should wake up in roughly 60 minutes without regard to changes in the system clock.

With the current Condition implementation, no matter what timeout is used, setting the system clock ahead reduces or eliminates the wait while setting the system clock back increases the wait.  So if the clock is set back one hour in the middle of a 1 microsecond wait (c.wait(1)), wait will return in an hour and 1 microsecond.  Is this the way it should work?
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 14:50:25adminlinkissue1607041 messages
2007-08-23 14:50:25admincreate