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Author Yaroslav.Halchenko
Recipients Yaroslav.Halchenko, benjamin.peterson, eryksun
Date 2017-10-01.05:16:59
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Thank you for the follow-ups!  

Wouldn't it be better if Python documentation said exactly that 

On Linux, write() (and similar system calls) will transfer at most 0x7ffff000 (2,147,479,552) bytes, returning the number of bytes 
actually transferred.  (This is true on both 32-bit and 64-bit 

Also, it might be nice to add a note on top, that this module is for 'low level' IO interface, and that it is recommended to use regular file type for typical file operations (not io.FileIO) to avoid necessity of dealing limitations such as the one mentioned.
Date User Action Args
2017-10-01 05:16:59Yaroslav.Halchenkosetrecipients: + Yaroslav.Halchenko, benjamin.peterson, eryksun
2017-10-01 05:16:59Yaroslav.Halchenkosetmessageid: <>
2017-10-01 05:16:59Yaroslav.Halchenkolinkissue31651 messages
2017-10-01 05:16:59Yaroslav.Halchenkocreate