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Author louielu
Recipients cheryl.sabella, louielu, terry.reedy
Date 2017-06-21.04:40:23
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Terry, how do you think about the roadmap? I have two component that I think it should be put on the roadmap.

1. the goto/search/replace dialog to single-window app (#30521, #27115)

From internal diagram ( it seem to search/replace dialog share the same based, I think we can first start from here to make a single-window app. To discuss which kind of style that we may change in future. In #30521, I propose to make it as vscode/sublime style, a top bar for goto with different label. And for search/replace a bottom dialog like vscode/sublime could be used.

2. lineno sidebar, and pyshell tab issue (#30663, #7676)

Another big problem (I think) in IDLE is the pyshell tab issue. It seem that is very conflict with PEP8 when IDLE using tab in pyshell. In #7676 you said that should be done with sidebar, In #30663, I first propose lineno sidebar in edit window, if this is been accepted, then I think #7676 may be solved by sidebar method used in lineno. 

How do you think about this two issue?
Date User Action Args
2017-06-21 04:40:23louielusetrecipients: + louielu, terry.reedy, cheryl.sabella
2017-06-21 04:40:23louielusetmessageid: <>
2017-06-21 04:40:23louielulinkissue30422 messages
2017-06-21 04:40:23louielucreate