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Author gregory.p.smith
Recipients Arfrever, DLitz, aliles, amaury.forgeotdarc, asvetlov, christian.heimes, emptysquare, georg.brandl, grahamd, gregory.p.smith, ionelmc, jcea, lemburg, neologix, pitrou, rpcope1, sbt, serhiy.storchaka, socketpair, twouters, vstinner, xupeng, yselivanov
Date 2017-05-28.18:00:11
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I'll just reuse this issue, I started that work just to try and clean up the new API and docs added in this one to be more modern.  Thanks for the code review, good suggestions!
Date User Action Args
2017-05-28 18:00:12gregory.p.smithsetrecipients: + gregory.p.smith, lemburg, twouters, georg.brandl, jcea, amaury.forgeotdarc, pitrou, vstinner, christian.heimes, grahamd, Arfrever, ionelmc, asvetlov, neologix, socketpair, sbt, aliles, serhiy.storchaka, yselivanov, DLitz, emptysquare, xupeng, rpcope1
2017-05-28 18:00:12gregory.p.smithsetmessageid: <>
2017-05-28 18:00:12gregory.p.smithlinkissue16500 messages
2017-05-28 18:00:11gregory.p.smithcreate