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Author mgerstel
Recipients dries_desmet, mgerstel, vinay.sajip
Date 2017-01-23.16:47:54
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Yes, this is indeed the same for other stdlib modules, too. Logging is just the first one that came to attention in our investigations.

I haven't prepared any other patches yet though, because your answer could easily be "No, we cannot consider these changes under any circumstances for 2.7 because $reason".
Date User Action Args
2017-01-23 16:47:54mgerstelsetrecipients: + mgerstel, vinay.sajip, dries_desmet
2017-01-23 16:47:54mgerstelsetmessageid: <>
2017-01-23 16:47:54mgerstellinkissue29351 messages
2017-01-23 16:47:54mgerstelcreate