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Author chrism
Date 2006-02-04.18:23:43
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Marked as misclassified
Attached is a patch for ElementTree (based on a checkout from the SVN 
trunk's xmlcore.etree) that seems to perform better escaping of cdata and 
attribute values.  Instead of replacing, for example "&quote;" with 
"&quote;" or "&" with "&", it tries to avoid requoting 
ampersands in things that look like entities.

Sorry, I haven't tested this with anything except Python 2.4, I'm not quite 
sure what to do about _encode_entity, and I haven't patched any tests or 
written a new one for this change.  Consider this more of a RFC than a 
patch ready-for-submission as a result.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 14:37:40adminlinkissue1424171 messages
2007-08-23 14:37:40admincreate