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Author SilentGhost
Recipients SilentGhost, mark.dickinson, rhettinger, wrohdewald, ztane
Date 2016-08-12.10:20:21
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> There seems to be more to it

I'm not sure what "it" are you referring to. The output of randint is not guaranteed to be the same across versions, the seeded sequence is still the same between python2 and 3 - as documented.
Date User Action Args
2016-08-12 10:20:21SilentGhostsetrecipients: + SilentGhost, rhettinger, mark.dickinson, wrohdewald, ztane
2016-08-12 10:20:21SilentGhostsetmessageid: <>
2016-08-12 10:20:21SilentGhostlinkissue27742 messages
2016-08-12 10:20:21SilentGhostcreate