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Author mdk
Recipients docs@python, georg.brandl, martin.panter, mdk, serhiy.storchaka, zach.ware
Date 2016-07-25.08:04:14
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Oh and, is there a proper way for me to generate a diff that rietveld can eat without someone regeneratig it?
Date User Action Args
2016-07-25 08:04:14mdksetrecipients: + mdk, georg.brandl, docs@python, martin.panter, zach.ware, serhiy.storchaka
2016-07-25 08:04:14mdksetmessageid: <>
2016-07-25 08:04:14mdklinkissue26462 messages
2016-07-25 08:04:14mdkcreate