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Author neologix
Recipients davin, eryksun, neologix, pietvo, pitrou, sbt, tim.peters
Date 2016-07-14.08:33:23
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
One reason for not calling sys.exit() is because on Linux, the default
implementation uses fork(), hence the address space in the chilren is
a clone of the parent: so all atexit handlers, for example, would be
called multiple times.
There's also the problem that fork() isn't MT-safe, making the
probability of screwups/deadlocks in various destructors/stack
unwinding greater.
Date User Action Args
2016-07-14 08:33:23neologixsetrecipients: + neologix, tim.peters, pitrou, pietvo, sbt, eryksun, davin
2016-07-14 08:33:23neologixlinkissue18966 messages
2016-07-14 08:33:23neologixcreate