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Author steven.daprano
Recipients brett.cannon, dstufft, ned.deily, steven.daprano, tim.peters
Date 2016-06-11.07:56:05
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I don't want to start another huge thread on python-dev unless really necessary. What should happen to random.SystemRandom?

(1) nothing, it stays as it is, and if ``secrets`` needs better, it can subclass it;

(2) it changes to use ``os.getrandom``, and then ``secrets`` can continue to expose ``SystemRandom``.

If it comes to a vote, I'm +1 on option 2.
Date User Action Args
2016-06-11 07:56:05steven.dapranosetrecipients: + steven.daprano, tim.peters, brett.cannon, ned.deily, dstufft
2016-06-11 07:56:05steven.dapranosetmessageid: <>
2016-06-11 07:56:05steven.dapranolinkissue27288 messages
2016-06-11 07:56:05steven.dapranocreate