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Author berker.peksag
Recipients berker.peksag, christian.heimes, dholth, docs@python, eric.araujo, gregory.p.smith, pitrou, underrun
Date 2016-06-10.20:21:53
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The looks good to me in general, but I'd suggest to refer to the new algorithms_guaranteed and algorithms_available attributes in the following paragraph:

    +:func:`sha512`. The :func:`md5` is typically available, but will be missing if
    +Python has been compiled in FIPS-compliant mode. If hashlib was compiled with
    +OpenSSL support then additional algorithms may also be available depending
    +upon the OpenSSL library that Python uses on your platform. OpenSSL
    +implementations of the builtin algorithms are used if available.
Date User Action Args
2016-06-10 20:21:53berker.peksagsetrecipients: + berker.peksag, gregory.p.smith, pitrou, christian.heimes, eric.araujo, dholth, docs@python, underrun
2016-06-10 20:21:53berker.peksagsetmessageid: <>
2016-06-10 20:21:53berker.peksaglinkissue15468 messages
2016-06-10 20:21:53berker.peksagcreate