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Author zbyrne
Recipients casevh, josh.r, mark.dickinson, pitrou, rhettinger, serhiy.storchaka, vstinner, yselivanov, zbyrne
Date 2016-02-03.16:40:26
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I ran 6 benchmarks on my work machine(not the same one as the last set) overnight.
Two with just the BINARY_ADD change, two with the BINARY_SUBSCR change, and two with both.
I'm attaching the output from all my benchmark runs, but here are the highlights
In this table I've flipped the results for running the modified build as the reference, but in the new attachment, slower in the right column means faster, I think :)
|Build             | Baseline Reference                    | Modified Reference                |
|                  | Faster             | Slower           | Faster             | Slower       |
|BINARY_ADD        | chameleon_v2       | etree_parse      | chameleon_v2       | call_simple  |
|                  | chaos              | nbody            | fannkuch           | nbody        |
|                  | django             | normal_startup   | normal_startup     | pickle_dict  |
|                  | etree_generate     | pickle_dict      | nqueens            | regex_v8     |
|                  | fannkuch           | pickle_list      | regex_compile      |              |
|                  | formatted_logging  | regex_effbot     | spectral_norm      |              |
|                  | go                 |                  | unpickle_list      |              |
|                  | json_load          |                  |                    |              |
|                  | regex_compile      |                  |                    |              |
|                  | simple_logging     |                  |                    |              |
|                  | spectral_norm      |                  |                    |              |
|BINARY_SUBSCR     | chameleon_v2       | call_simple      | 2to3               | etree_parse  |
|                  | chaos              | go               | call_method_slots  | json_dump_v2 |
|                  | etree_generate     | pickle_list      | chaos              | pickle_dict  |
|                  | fannkuch           | telco            | fannkuch           |              |
|                  | fastpickle         |                  | formatted_logging  |              |
|                  | hexiom2            |                  | go                 |              |
|                  | json_load          |                  | hexiom2            |              |
|                  | mako_v2            |                  | mako_v2            |              |
|                  | meteor_contest     |                  | meteor_contest     |              |
|                  | nbody              |                  | nbody              |              |
|                  | regex_v8           |                  | normal_startup     |              |
|                  | spectral_norm      |                  | nqueens            |              |
|                  |                    |                  | pickle_list        |              |
|                  |                    |                  | simple_logging     |              |
|                  |                    |                  | spectral_norm      |              |
|                  |                    |                  | telco              |              |
|BOTH              | chameleon_v2       | call_simple      | chameleon_v2       | fastpickle   |
|                  | chaos              | etree_parse      | choas              | pickle_dict  |
|                  | etree_generate     | pathlib          | etree_generate     | pickle_list  |
|                  | etree_process      | pickle_list      | etree_process      | telco        |
|                  | fannkuch           |                  | fannkuch           |              |
|                  | fastunpickle       |                  | float              |              |
|                  | float              |                  | formatted_logging  |              |
|                  | formatted_logging  |                  | go                 |              |
|                  | hexiom2            |                  | hexiom2            |              |
|                  | nbody              |                  | nbody              |              |
|                  | nqueens            |                  | normal_startup     |              |
|                  | regex_v8           |                  | nqueens            |              |
|                  | spectral_norm      |                  | simple_logging     |              |
|                  | unpickle_list      |                  | spectral_norm      |              |

unpack_sequence is nowhere to be seen and spectral_norm is faster now...
Date User Action Args
2016-02-03 16:40:32zbyrnesetrecipients: + zbyrne, rhettinger, mark.dickinson, pitrou, vstinner, casevh, serhiy.storchaka, yselivanov, josh.r
2016-02-03 16:40:31zbyrnesetmessageid: <>
2016-02-03 16:40:31zbyrnelinkissue21955 messages
2016-02-03 16:40:31zbyrnecreate