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Author maciej.szulik
Recipients jesstess, maciej.szulik, pitrou, r.david.murray, zvyn
Date 2015-12-14.16:35:46
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Per the discussion we've had with David on IRC here's what happening. The last patch I've submitted is meant to clean up the tests by:
1. having single _setup method 
2. the _setup method should addClenup to clean the environment
3. have stubs with implemented mostly used methods, all others should be implemented ad-hoc in test methods
4. use unittest.main() for running tests

The current idea is to create tests along the current one, to show how the new improve the readability. For this work I'm reopening previously submitted issue 

The current issue will be on dependent on it and no further work should be done unless we have the tests cleared.
Date User Action Args
2015-12-14 16:35:47maciej.szuliksetrecipients: + maciej.szulik, pitrou, r.david.murray, jesstess, zvyn
2015-12-14 16:35:47maciej.szuliksetmessageid: <>
2015-12-14 16:35:47maciej.szuliklinkissue22137 messages
2015-12-14 16:35:46maciej.szulikcreate