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Author serhiy.storchaka
Recipients alexandre.vassalotti, arigo, kristjan.jonsson, serhiy.storchaka
Date 2015-11-25.11:23:53
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In this case yes, you are unlucky. But this is an artificial example, and I don't think this happens in any real code.

However specific meaning of None should be documented (there are other wrong words about __getstate__).
Date User Action Args
2015-11-25 11:23:53serhiy.storchakasetrecipients: + serhiy.storchaka, arigo, kristjan.jonsson, alexandre.vassalotti
2015-11-25 11:23:53serhiy.storchakasetmessageid: <>
2015-11-25 11:23:53serhiy.storchakalinkissue25718 messages
2015-11-25 11:23:53serhiy.storchakacreate