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Author georg.brandl
Recipients berker.peksag, eric.araujo, ezio.melotti, georg.brandl, larry, yselivanov
Date 2015-09-15.08:06:24
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
This is what PEP 101 has to say:

      ___ If this is a final release (even a maintenance release), also unpack
          the HTML docs to /srv/ on
 Make sure the files are in group "docs".  If it is a
          release of a security-fix-only version, tell the DE to build a version
          with the "version switcher" and put it there.
Date User Action Args
2015-09-15 08:07:25georg.brandlunlinkissue25113 messages
2015-09-15 08:06:25georg.brandlsetrecipients: + georg.brandl, larry, ezio.melotti, eric.araujo, berker.peksag, yselivanov
2015-09-15 08:06:25georg.brandlsetmessageid: <>
2015-09-15 08:06:25georg.brandllinkissue25113 messages
2015-09-15 08:06:24georg.brandlcreate