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Author larry
Recipients berker.peksag, eric.araujo, ezio.melotti, georg.brandl, larry, yselivanov
Date 2015-09-15.08:02:16
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
When I built the documentation, I used

    % --export 3.5.0

( coming from, a collection of release manager tools.)  I then installed this build as the 3.5.0 documentation, specifically the build from "python-3.5.0-docs-html.tar.bz2".  I do that so that people don't complain "hey the documentation is out of date!" when the release goes live.  I wouldn't be surprised if the version picker is suppressed in this build, as it's intended to be installed by users.

However, there's a cron job that rebuilds the documentation automatically.  I'm not sure how often, but I think it's every couple of hours.  That build process, whatever it is, should definitely enable the version picker.

Normally the cron job would have overwritten the docs by now.  However I just discovered I left the docs non-group-writeable when I installed them, which meant the cron job couldn't overwrite them.  I just fixed that, and hopefully within a couple of hours the cron job will awake from its slumber and overwrite everything.

tl;dr: Hopefully it'll silently fix itself sometime today.
Date User Action Args
2015-09-15 08:02:17larrysetrecipients: + larry, georg.brandl, ezio.melotti, eric.araujo, berker.peksag, yselivanov
2015-09-15 08:02:16larrysetmessageid: <>
2015-09-15 08:02:16larrylinkissue25113 messages
2015-09-15 08:02:16larrycreate