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Author vstinner
Recipients josch, vstinner
Date 2015-07-10.13:20:53
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
It looks more like a bug in networkx, than a bug in Python itself. networkx has probably issues with reference counter, concurrency (threads), or things like that.

I'm unable to reproduce the crash on Python 3.4 (system binary from Fedora 22) or Python 3.6 (compiled manually).

haypo@smithers$ ./python
Python 3.6.0a0 (default:bb9fc884a838, Jul  6 2015, 15:27:15) 
[GCC 5.1.1 20150618 (Red Hat 5.1.1-4)] on linux
>>> "hscolour:amd64 (= 1.20.3-2)".split()
['hscolour:amd64', '(=', '1.20.3-2)']
>>> "hscolour:amd64 (= 1.20.3-2)".split(",")
['hscolour:amd64 (= 1.20.3-2)']
>>> len("hscolour:amd64 (= 1.20.3-2)")

haypo@smithers$ python3
Python 3.4.2 (default, Jan 12 2015, 12:13:20) 
[GCC 4.9.2 20150107 (Red Hat 4.9.2-5)] on linux
>>> "hscolour:amd64 (= 1.20.3-2)".split()
['hscolour:amd64', '(=', '1.20.3-2)']
>>> "hscolour:amd64 (= 1.20.3-2)".split(",")
['hscolour:amd64 (= 1.20.3-2)']
>>> len("hscolour:amd64 (= 1.20.3-2)")
Date User Action Args
2015-07-10 13:20:54vstinnersetrecipients: + vstinner, josch
2015-07-10 13:20:54vstinnersetmessageid: <>
2015-07-10 13:20:54vstinnerlinkissue24605 messages
2015-07-10 13:20:53vstinnercreate