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Author martin.panter
Recipients ezio.melotti, martin.panter, vstinner
Date 2015-01-13.12:48:01
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
As mentioned in Issue 20132, iterencode() and iterdecode() only work on text-to-byte codecs, because they assume particular data types when finalizing the incremental codecs. This patch changes the signature of the IncrementalEncoder and IncrementalDecoder methods from

IncrementalEncoder.encode(object[, final])
IncrementalEncoder.decode(object[, final])


IncrementalEncoder.encode([object,] [final])
IncrementalEncoder.decode([object,] [final])

so that iteren/decode(), and perhaps in the future, StreamWriter/Reader, can operate the incremental codec without knowing what kind of data should be processed.
Date User Action Args
2015-01-13 12:48:20martin.pantersetrecipients: + martin.panter, vstinner, ezio.melotti
2015-01-13 12:48:19martin.pantersetmessageid: <>
2015-01-13 12:48:19martin.panterlinkissue23231 messages
2015-01-13 12:48:19martin.pantercreate