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Author pitrou
Recipients alex, christian.heimes, giampaolo.rodola, gvanrossum, pitrou, vstinner, yselivanov
Date 2014-10-15.09:53:40
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
asyncio is not yet bound by legacy use cases, so this patch switches asyncio to stronger default SSL settings for client connections. It also adds tests for that (the code path was untested).
Date User Action Args
2014-10-15 09:53:41pitrousetrecipients: + pitrou, gvanrossum, vstinner, giampaolo.rodola, christian.heimes, alex, yselivanov
2014-10-15 09:53:41pitrousetmessageid: <>
2014-10-15 09:53:41pitroulinkissue22641 messages
2014-10-15 09:53:41pitroucreate