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Author skrah
Recipients belopolsky, seberg, skrah
Date 2014-09-20.19:10:13
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <1411213422.22337.14.camel@sebastian-t440>
I think it would help discussing your options if the patch passes test_buffer
first.  Currently it segfaults because shape can be NULL.  Also, code in
memoryobject.c relies on the fact that ndim==0 means contiguous.

Then, it would help enormously if you give Python function definitions of
the revised C and F-contiguity.

I mean something like verify_structure() from Lib/test/ -- that
function definition was largely supplied by Pauli Virtanen, but I may have
added the check for strides-is-multiple-of-itemsize (which 2**63-1 usually
isn't, so the new debug numpy strides don't pass that test).
Date User Action Args
2014-09-20 19:10:14skrahsetrecipients: + skrah, belopolsky, seberg
2014-09-20 19:10:14skrahlinkissue22445 messages
2014-09-20 19:10:13skrahcreate