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Author shlsh
Recipients docs@python, shlsh
Date 2014-08-30.07:41:39
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>

"Two problems often exist with deep copy operations that don’t exist with shallow copy operations:

Recursive objects (compound objects that, directly or indirectly, contain a reference to themselves) may cause a recursive loop.
Because deep copy copies everything it may copy too much, e.g., administrative data structures that should be shared even between copies."

I believe the last line in above paragraph is missing a 'not' ahead of 'be shared'. 

It should read:
"administrative data structures that should be not shared even between copies"
Date User Action Args
2014-08-30 07:41:40shlshsetrecipients: + shlsh, docs@python
2014-08-30 07:41:40shlshsetmessageid: <>
2014-08-30 07:41:40shlshlinkissue22305 messages
2014-08-30 07:41:39shlshcreate