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Author Sebastian.Kreft.Deezer
Recipients Sebastian.Kreft.Deezer, bquinlan, glangford, mark.dickinson, pitrou, python-dev, sbt, tim.peters, vstinner
Date 2014-06-05.08:24:19
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The Executor is still working (but I'm using a ThreadPoolExcutor). I can dynamically change the number of max tasks allowed, which successfully fires the new tasks.

After 2 days running, five tasks are in this weird state.

I will change the code as suggested and post my results.
Date User Action Args
2014-06-05 08:24:19Sebastian.Kreft.Deezersetrecipients: + Sebastian.Kreft.Deezer, tim.peters, bquinlan, mark.dickinson, pitrou, vstinner, python-dev, sbt, glangford
2014-06-05 08:24:19Sebastian.Kreft.Deezersetmessageid: <>
2014-06-05 08:24:19Sebastian.Kreft.Deezerlinkissue20319 messages
2014-06-05 08:24:19Sebastian.Kreft.Deezercreate