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Author pitrou
Recipients alexandre.vassalotti, neologix, pitrou, serhiy.storchaka, tim.peters, vstinner
Date 2014-05-23.09:03:30
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <1400835804.2383.2.camel@fsol>
In-reply-to <>
> I didn't want to use the Python dict type for tracemalloc because this
> type may use the Python memory allocator which would lead to reentrant
> calls to tracemalloc.

Ah, so this means CF's patch will make the pickle memotable invisible to

> It doesn't mean that I want hashtable.c to be slow :-) Feel free to
> modify it as you want. But trying to make it as fast as Python dict
> would be hard. The design is different. Python dict uses open
> addressing, whereas _Py_hashtable uses linked list to store entries.
> Python dict is well optimized.

Yes, optimizing hashtable.c probably means converting it to the same
hashing scheme as dicts (or the current memotable in pickle.c).
Date User Action Args
2014-05-23 09:03:31pitrousetrecipients: + pitrou, tim.peters, vstinner, alexandre.vassalotti, neologix, serhiy.storchaka
2014-05-23 09:03:31pitroulinkissue21556 messages
2014-05-23 09:03:30pitroucreate