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Author chba
Recipients Arfrever, Trundle, barry, brett.cannon, chba, eric.smith, eric.snow, jcea, jkloth, lemburg, loewis, meador.inge
Date 2014-03-25.08:58:16
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Same issue with external libraries under (pachted) Python 3.4.0 final on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS or Debian Wheezy/Sid.

Meader, is there any option/possibility zu use an external library (like the freezed binary? I alreday tried to manually add various -L -l options to the linker command of the generated make file or adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH and so on ... always without any success. Unfortunately, I need this for a large productive system Praktomat. Please help.

Thanks again.

Date User Action Args
2014-03-25 08:58:16chbasetrecipients: + chba, lemburg, loewis, barry, brett.cannon, jcea, eric.smith, jkloth, Arfrever, Trundle, meador.inge, eric.snow
2014-03-25 08:58:16chbasetmessageid: <>
2014-03-25 08:58:16chbalinkissue16047 messages
2014-03-25 08:58:16chbacreate