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Author Antony.Lee
Recipients Antony.Lee
Date 2014-01-14.00:55:21
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I believe that the implementation of Condition._is_owned is wrong, as mentioned here:  Specifically, the two return values (True and False) should be inverted.

I guess this slipped through as this private function would only be called if one passed to a Condition object a (R)Lock-like object that doesn't define _is_owned.  (I noticed this when I tried to pass a custom-written reader-writer lock to a Condition object.)  Technically, the docs says that "If the lock argument is given and not None, it must be a Lock or RLock object", but in practice anything that defines acquire(), release() (and possibly _is_owned()) should work.
Date User Action Args
2014-01-14 00:55:21Antony.Leesetrecipients: + Antony.Lee
2014-01-14 00:55:21Antony.Leesetmessageid: <>
2014-01-14 00:55:21Antony.Leelinkissue20247 messages
2014-01-14 00:55:21Antony.Leecreate