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Author vstinner
Recipients aliles, christian.heimes, python-dev, vstinner
Date 2013-12-16.23:12:26
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I modified modules when it was possible and easy to do. More modules should be modified, but it's more tricky. If you are interested, please open new issues.
Date User Action Args
2013-12-16 23:12:27vstinnersetrecipients: + vstinner, christian.heimes, python-dev, aliles
2013-12-16 23:12:27vstinnersetmessageid: <>
2013-12-16 23:12:27vstinnerlinkissue18227 messages
2013-12-16 23:12:26vstinnercreate