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Author vinay.sajip
Date 2004-05-08.19:28:43
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
Logged In: YES 

The problem with disposing of Logger objects 
programmatically is that you don't know who is referencing 
them. How about the following approach? I'm making no 
assumptions about the actual connection classes used; if you 
need to make it even less error prone, you can create 
delegating methods in the server class which do the 
appropriate wrapping.

class ConnectionWrapper:
	def __init__(self, conn):
		self.conn = conn
	def message(self, msg):
		return "[connection: %s]: %s" % 
(self.conn, msg)
and then use this like so...

class Server:

	def get_connection(self, request):
		# return the connection for this request
	def handle_request(self, request):
		conn = self.get_connection(request)
		# we use a cache of connection wrappers
		if conn in self.conn_cache:
			cw = self.conn_cache[conn]
			cw = ConnectionWrapper(conn)
			self.conn_cache[conn] = cw
		#process request, and if events need to 
be logged, you can e.g.
		logger.debug(cw.message("Network packet 
truncated at %d bytes"), n)
		#The logged message will contain the 
connection ID
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 14:20:52adminlinkissue932563 messages
2007-08-23 14:20:52admincreate