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Author ncoghlan
Recipients Arfrever, eric.snow, georg.brandl, ncoghlan, serhiy.storchaka, vstinner
Date 2013-11-20.15:03:34
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Hmm, reading more of those and I think Serhiy is definitely right -
Object is the wrong suffix. Unicode isn't right either, since the main
problem is that ambiguity around *which* parameter is a Python Unicode
object. The API names that end in *StringObject or *FileObject don't
give the right idea at all.

The shortest accurate suffix I can come up with at the moment is the
verbose "WithUnicodeFilename":

    PyParser_ParseStringObject vs

Other possibilities:

    PyParser_ParseStringUnicode # Huh?
    PyParser_ParseStringDecodedFilename # Slight fib on Windows, but
mostly accurate

Inserting an underscore before the suffix is another option (although
I don't think it much matters either way).
Date User Action Args
2013-11-20 15:03:34ncoghlansetrecipients: + ncoghlan, georg.brandl, vstinner, Arfrever, eric.snow, serhiy.storchaka
2013-11-20 15:03:34ncoghlanlinkissue19518 messages
2013-11-20 15:03:34ncoghlancreate