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Author r.david.murray
Recipients akitada, benjamin.peterson, cben, eric.araujo, loewis, mu_mind, ness, ping, r.david.murray, rhettinger, taschini, vstinner
Date 2013-11-20.14:23:50
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Benjamin: the patch looks pretty good to me, for fixing the problem of docstrings that are explicitly unicode.  But before I go to the trouble of a full review and test, is this a level of change you think is acceptable in 2.7 at this point it its lifecycle?
Date User Action Args
2013-11-20 14:23:50r.david.murraysetrecipients: + r.david.murray, loewis, ping, rhettinger, cben, vstinner, benjamin.peterson, eric.araujo, akitada, mu_mind, ness, taschini
2013-11-20 14:23:50r.david.murraysetmessageid: <>
2013-11-20 14:23:50r.david.murraylinkissue1065986 messages
2013-11-20 14:23:50r.david.murraycreate