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Author gregory.p.smith
Recipients astrand, cvrebert, debatem1, gregory.p.smith, ncoghlan, ned.deily, pitrou, rosslagerwall, tim.golden, vstinner
Date 2013-11-03.17:41:31
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
If anybody using them in Python 3.3 is already depending upon them returning strings, changing it to return bytes will break their code... so that ship as unfortunately sailed.  Changing that only in 3.4 would just cause churn and make code using this more difficult to be compatible across both.

Updating the documentation to state the utf-8 decoding behavior and the caveats of that is important.  That documentation note should also mention what people should use instead if they want binary data instead of text.
Date User Action Args
2013-11-03 17:41:31gregory.p.smithsetrecipients: + gregory.p.smith, astrand, ncoghlan, pitrou, vstinner, tim.golden, ned.deily, cvrebert, debatem1, rosslagerwall
2013-11-03 17:41:31gregory.p.smithsetmessageid: <>
2013-11-03 17:41:31gregory.p.smithlinkissue9922 messages
2013-11-03 17:41:31gregory.p.smithcreate