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Author eric.snow
Recipients benjamin.peterson, eric.snow, pitrou, rhettinger
Date 2013-07-04.02:14:23
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> I think you are overreacting.

Yeah, maybe so. :)  I just found the problem I ran into to be really hard to diagnose due to how pickle does lookup, and figured it would be worth addressing to save someone else the same headache later.
Date User Action Args
2013-07-04 02:14:23eric.snowsetrecipients: + eric.snow, rhettinger, pitrou, benjamin.peterson
2013-07-04 02:14:23eric.snowsetmessageid: <>
2013-07-04 02:14:23eric.snowlinkissue16251 messages
2013-07-04 02:14:23eric.snowcreate