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Author lemburg
Recipients barry, benhoyt, brian.curtin, dlchambers, ggenellina, ishimoto, lemburg, pitrou, r.david.murray, sayap, terry.reedy, tim.golden
Date 2013-04-17.12:45:30
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
I think it's important to stick to established standards for
MIME types and to make sure that Python returns the same values
on all platforms using the default settings.

Apache comes with a mime.types file which includes both the
official IANA types and many common, but unregistered types:

This can be used as reference (much like we use the locale
database as reference for the locale module).

If an application wants to use the Windows registry settings instead,
that's fine, but it should not be the default if there's a difference
in output compared to the hard-coded list in mimetypes.

Note that this would probably require a redesign of the
internals of the mimetypes module. It currently provides only a
small subset as default mapping and then reads the full set from
one of the mime.types files it can find on the system.
Such a redesign would only be possible for Python 3.4, not
Python 2.7.
Date User Action Args
2013-04-17 12:45:30lemburgsetrecipients: + lemburg, barry, terry.reedy, ishimoto, ggenellina, pitrou, tim.golden, sayap, r.david.murray, brian.curtin, benhoyt, dlchambers
2013-04-17 12:45:30lemburglinkissue15207 messages
2013-04-17 12:45:30lemburgcreate