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Author schmir
Recipients loewis, schmir, vstinner
Date 2013-01-01.22:24:39
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Given the fact that the bytes object is rather surprising and probaby useless for the caller I wouldn't call this a "correct result".

(sorry, I lost too much time on this issue, I had to put another comment here).
Date User Action Args
2013-01-01 22:24:39schmirsetrecipients: + schmir, loewis, vstinner
2013-01-01 22:24:39schmirsetmessageid: <>
2013-01-01 22:24:39schmirlinkissue16208 messages
2013-01-01 22:24:39schmircreate