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Author terry.reedy
Recipients loewis, mark.dickinson, pitrou, serhiy.storchaka, terry.reedy, vstinner
Date 2012-09-25.21:58:41
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Small int caching saves both time and space. On a nearly fresh IDLE session:
>>> sys.getrefcount(0)
>>> sys.getrefcount(1)
>>> sum(sys.getrefcount(i) for i in range(-5, 257))

While an interesting idea, I do not see the same gain here, and agree with Martin.

Array lookup *is* faster than string conversion:
>>> ti.repeat(setup = "ar = [str(i) for i in range(101)]", stmt = "ar[100]")
[0.058166605132757995, 0.03438449234832762, 0.034402937150259674]
>>> ti.repeat(setup = "S = str", stmt = 'S(100)')
[0.21833603908330446, 0.19469564386039195, 0.1947128590088596]

1: converting ints to decimal digits is nearly always done for output,
and conversion is blazingly fast compared to output, so output time will dominate.

>>> ti.repeat(setup = "S = str", stmt = 'S(100)', number = 20)
[1.0144641009901534e-05, 8.914987631669646e-06, 8.914987574826228e-06]
>>> ti.repeat(setup = "p = print", stmt = 'p(100)', number = 20)
[0.11873041968999587, 0.039060557051357137, 0.03859697769621562]

2. I presume the conversion of 0 - 9 to '0' - '9' within the conversion routines is already optimized. I don't see that 10 - 259 should be more common that 257 - 999, let alone more common than all higher ints. So the limited optimization can have only limited effect.

3. Much production numerical output is float or decimal rather than int. The 3.3 optimization of ascii-only strings to bytes helped here.
Date User Action Args
2012-09-25 21:59:02terry.reedysetrecipients: + terry.reedy, loewis, mark.dickinson, pitrou, vstinner, serhiy.storchaka
2012-09-25 21:59:02terry.reedysetmessageid: <>
2012-09-25 21:58:41terry.reedylinkissue16001 messages
2012-09-25 21:58:41terry.reedycreate