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I've also been hit by this problem, not at a 130Meg read,
but at a mere 10Meg. Because of that I had to change my code
to read many small chunks rather than a single blob and that
fixed it.

Still, I disagree with tim_one. If recv() is limited with
the amount of data it can read per call, it should be set
and documented, otherwise it is a bug and the call is
unreliable. Nobody has to follow the decribed
"best-practice" of reading small chunks, it actually worsens
code quality, and what's worse - it makes other stuff break.
Example - I was using the SimpleXMLRPCServer
(Lib/, and it contains the following
line at it's heart:

data =["content-length"]))

Guess what was happening with requests with content-length
larger than 10Meg (in my case).

I've aso thought the problem was with max() instead of
min(), but as tim_one rightfully pointed out, this was a
desired behaviour. Ironically though, replacing max() with
min() fixes the problem as there is no more huge reads at
lower level.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 14:14:03adminlinkissue756104 messages
2007-08-23 14:14:03admincreate