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Author ahlstromjc
Date 2003-06-16.14:29:35
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
Logged In: YES 

The analysis by sjones is correct.  Python and the zip file 
format both allow null bytes in file names.  But in this case, 
the file is infected with the "I-Worm.Lentin.o" virus and the 
file name is designed to hide this.  The file name ends in ".txt" 
but the file name up to the null byte ends in ".exe".  The 
intention is that a virus scanner would skip this file because it 
ends in ".txt" ( a non-executable text file), but that 
the ".exe" would be seen (an executable program file) if the 
file were clicked, and so the file would be executed.

Testing this on my machine, my virus scanner (Kaspersky) 
nevertheless flags the ".zip" file as containing a virus, but this 
depends on the particular virus scanner and its settings.

I suggest that should terminate file names at a null 
byte as InfoZip does.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 14:13:56adminlinkissue755031 messages
2007-08-23 14:13:56admincreate