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Author nnorwitz
Date 2003-05-26.14:30:51
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
Mark, I believe this started happening on Solaris 8
(only AFAIK) after some of your thread changes.  Do you
have access to a Solaris 8 box?  I can try to debug if
you give me some ideas.  This is happening on the snake
farm.  Actually, we have a Sol8 box here.  I can try to
fire it up and see if the problem exists on that box. 
If so, I can give you access.

When running test_socketserver, some way through the
test there's the fatal error.

Fatal Python error: Invalid thread state for this thread

Let me know what more info I can provide.  Sorry, short
on ideas/time, just wanted to get this documented.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 14:13:31adminlinkissue743692 messages
2007-08-23 14:13:31admincreate