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Author takluyver
Recipients asvetlov, loewis, ned.deily, serhiy.storchaka, takluyver, terry.reedy
Date 2012-05-13.20:21:00
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
As requested, the second version of the patch (x11-clipboard-try-utf8):

- Caches the windowing system per object. The tk call to find the windowing system is made the first time clipboard_get or selection_get are called without specifying `type=`.
- If using UTF8_STRING throws an error, it falls back to the default call with no type specified (i.e. STRING).
Date User Action Args
2012-05-13 20:21:01takluyversetrecipients: + takluyver, loewis, terry.reedy, ned.deily, asvetlov, serhiy.storchaka
2012-05-13 20:21:01takluyversetmessageid: <>
2012-05-13 20:21:00takluyverlinkissue14777 messages
2012-05-13 20:21:00takluyvercreate