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Author skrah
Recipients Amaury.Forgeot.d'Arc, Jim.Jewett, Ramchandra Apte, amaury.forgeotdarc, benjamin.peterson, casevh, ced, eric.smith, eric.snow, jjconti, lemburg, mark.dickinson, pitrou, rhettinger, skrah, vstinner
Date 2012-03-07.12:29:09
SpamBayes Score 0.00010462775
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Benjamin Peterson <> wrote:
> Speaking of inline, the "inline" keyword will have to go because it's not C89.

Do you happen to know a free compiler that builds Python but does not
understand "inline"? I'm asking because without testing you can never
really be sure:

For example I added support for compilers without uint64_t, but
all major compilers (gcc, suncc, icc, VS) of course have uint64_t.

Then I finally found CompCert, and discovered that a couple of
things were missing in the headers.
Date User Action Args
2012-03-07 12:29:10skrahsetrecipients: + skrah, lemburg, rhettinger, amaury.forgeotdarc, mark.dickinson, pitrou, vstinner, casevh, eric.smith, benjamin.peterson, jjconti, ced, Amaury.Forgeot.d'Arc, eric.snow, Ramchandra Apte, Jim.Jewett
2012-03-07 12:29:10skrahlinkissue7652 messages
2012-03-07 12:29:09skrahcreate