Last night, I hacked together a wrapper to do what loewis suggested [1]. It pickles bytes to str (for protocol <= 2), and unpickles str to bytes.
If I (ever) get the build system and tests of python itself to work, I'll try and see if I can implement a nicer solution - at least for
[1] |
Date |
User |
Action |
Args |
2012-02-19 15:49:20 | valhallasw | set | recipients:
+ valhallasw, gvanrossum, loewis, georg.brandl, jcea, ggenellina, pitrou, alexandre.vassalotti, RonnyPfannschmidt, jdharper, Ronny.Pfannschmidt |
2012-02-19 15:49:20 | valhallasw | set | messageid: <> |
2012-02-19 15:49:20 | valhallasw | link | issue6784 messages |
2012-02-19 15:49:20 | valhallasw | create | |