If someone ports his code from optparse to argparse, there is a limit, that options and non-options can be mixed by default, and this behaviour cannot be disabled easily, an extra '--' argument is required in the command line.
In some cases it is much prettier to explicitly disable this, as was available in the deprecated optparse module.
I attach a patch that does this, adds disable_interspersed_args() to argparse.ArgumentParser. |
Date |
User |
Action |
Args |
2012-02-08 07:49:28 | Laszlo.Attila.Toth | set | recipients:
+ Laszlo.Attila.Toth |
2012-02-08 07:49:28 | Laszlo.Attila.Toth | set | messageid: <> |
2012-02-08 07:49:27 | Laszlo.Attila.Toth | link | issue13966 messages |
2012-02-08 07:49:27 | Laszlo.Attila.Toth | create | |