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Author Mark.Shannon
Recipients Mark.Shannon, benjamin.peterson, giampaolo.rodola, gregory.p.smith, jcon, pitrou, pjenvey, rhettinger, terry.reedy, vstinner
Date 2012-01-30.21:26:49
SpamBayes Score 3.0281237e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Does this really need a PEP?
There is no new language feature and no change to any API.
It is just saving some memory.

The only possible issue is changing dict repr() ordering, 
but issue 13703 will do that anyway.
Date User Action Args
2012-01-30 21:26:49Mark.Shannonsetrecipients: + Mark.Shannon, rhettinger, terry.reedy, gregory.p.smith, pitrou, vstinner, giampaolo.rodola, pjenvey, benjamin.peterson, jcon
2012-01-30 21:26:49Mark.Shannonsetmessageid: <>
2012-01-30 21:26:49Mark.Shannonlinkissue13903 messages
2012-01-30 21:26:49Mark.Shannoncreate