> But using non-__builtin__.str objects (such as UserString) would expose the
> user to an attack?
Not necessarily: only if they use these strings as dictionary keys, and only
if they do so in contexts where arbitrary user input is consumed. In these
cases, users need to rewrite their code to replace the keys. Using dictionary
wrappers (such as UserDict), this is possible using only local changes. |
Date |
User |
Action |
Args |
2012-01-26 23:03:35 | loewis | set | recipients:
+ loewis, lemburg, gvanrossum, tim.peters, barry, georg.brandl, terry.reedy, gregory.p.smith, jcea, mark.dickinson, pitrou, vstinner, christian.heimes, benjamin.peterson, eric.araujo, grahamd, Arfrever, v+python, alex, zbysz, skrah, dmalcolm, gz, neologix, Arach, Mark.Shannon, eric.snow, Zhiping.Deng, Huzaifa.Sidhpurwala, Jim.Jewett, PaulMcMillan, fx5 |
2012-01-26 23:03:35 | loewis | link | issue13703 messages |
2012-01-26 23:03:35 | loewis | create | |